Ludmil Zikatanov(The Pennsylvania State University, State College)
Venue / Accommodation
The conference venue and accommodation is at the Hotel Soláň, Villa Marie, Villa Jana, and Solanka, which are situated in the heart of the Beskydy Mountains in the Czech Republic. The organizers reserve a room for each registered participant.
The conference fee is CZK 4,000 (ca EUR 148) for students and CZK 5,000 (ca EUR 185) for others.
It covers coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, social events, conference materials, and 21% VAT. Breakfasts are included in the price of the accommodation.
Payments by the debit or credit card are due April 15, 2017 (for payments, please, log in to the participant portal).
A trip to the Wallachian Wooden Townlet (the little wooden town which embodies the distinctive spirit of vernacular Moravian municipal architecture of the late 19th and early 20th century)